Majorca Cycling

Mallorca is known to many as a cycling paradise, with nice roads, good weather and friendly people. We have been there many times and cycled by road, but what not as many people know is that the island also has a fantastic selection for gravel cycling - gravel.

On both trips, you can combine as you like, cycle only road or only gravel, or why not try a few days of both? If you bring your road bike, we can arrange for you to rent a gravel bike for one or more days.

You choose day by day what you want to cycle. We have ready-made routes for both country road and gravel, just choose what you like. Most of the tours can be shortened and in some cases you can choose to, for example, stand over a climb if you want. Some trips start with us going by bus or train. We then share the costs for these between those who want to participate.

For all our tours, we keep the group together, we ride safely and focus on experience rather than speed, even if a splash or two goes just fine. If it proves appropriate, we can divide the group into different speed groups.

We film and take photos diligently, there are good memories afterwards that we let all participants share.


Carl-Johan Paulin (Road), Risto Aalto & Gerry Askefalk (Gravel) have done many tours on both Road and Gravel, in Sweden as well as Spain, Italy, Holland, USA, Japan and many other places. We have established collaborations with local guides and created routes that are pleasant and moderately difficult. We are at all events.
The basis of our philosophy is that it should be safe and that everyone should have fun. We never leave anyone alone and makes sure that everyone comes along, regardless of form or difficulty. If someone needs to shorten or cancel the tour, we will solve it.

Rider's Guide
Well in advance of arrival we send out our famous Riders Guide, it is a document that describes in detail the routes with length, altitude meters, places to eat and much more. A goldmine of information. The rider's guide also contains the route itself, which can be downloaded in several different file formats if you want it on your bike computer or phone.

Ideally, you bring your gravel or road bike with one or two pairs of wheels in case you want to change surfaces.
In terms of Gravel cycling and tire choice, Gerry had the 52mm WTB Sendero and it was "overkill" on almost everything. Gerry will choose 40mm with a light pattern next time 🙂 . Risto drove with 42mm René Herse, Snoqualme Pass "slicks" all week which worked excellently both on asphalt and gravel. Tubeless is recommended of course, as well as a good kit with reserves on the bike, Click here for a list.

Foot pump and tools are available in the house (hex, torque wrench, etc.) or can be borrowed from us. Clothing is the norm for Swedish summer, with a vest/sleeves or windbreaker as a spare and when driving downhill if it gets cold. We will have coffee and lunch but a little extra energy is never wrong (it can also be bought at the local bike shop). If you are worried, a portable mini lock can come with you on the tours, but we have never heard of anyone losing their bike during a coffee stop here.

Day program


Day one

Arrival, Transfer to Alaró. Assemble your bike or pick up your rental bike. When everyone is checked in and ready, a slightly shorter check-out ride of around 4 miles awaits.
In the evening: After the tour, a welcome drink and information awaits before we plan for dinner.

Day two
Lvg: We start with a classic. Col de soller, Deia, Valdemossa. Depending on your legs, you can cycle over Orient or take a slightly flatter route back to Alaro.

Grvl: Start directly from Alaró. We mostly cycle on the plains. Most of it is simple but there may be a couple of more technical parts. Coffee and lunch along the way.

Day three
Lvg: We cycle to Platja de Muro. Depending on taste, you can choose the route with a lot of climbing or a flatter route over Sineu

Long boiler directly from Alaró. Via Campanet for a coffee, continue through the Caselle valley and cycle the trail at Puig de Sant Marti before we have lunch in Platja de Muro, enjoying the sea. Through the Albufera Park! to Llubi for a coffee/ice cream, home via Binissalem.
Sa Pobla & Lubli possible cuts by train.

Day four The Mountains
Lvg: As we know, Mallorca has more to offer than gravel. Like for example. the world's nicest mountain roads. We can offer different lengths and degrees of difficulty, all on asphalt, choose what suits you. Recommended regardless of whether you have Grushoj or not!

Grvl: But, if you want to cycle Gravel instead, there are still good routes to get. One of these is a new exciting ride, which comes from BOC which is a gravel race.
The shortest is approx. 60 km, and the longest is 160 km. Take if train to Sineu and start there, ...and possibly take a train from Sa Pobla back.

Day five Rest day

Free activities: A trip to Palma can be recommended, either by bike, train or a combination. The beach promenade is 2 miles long and an experience in itself, maybe an ice cream and a visit to the Rapha store? Maybe rent a car, there are many options.

Day six
Lvg: Said Calobra! The finest and most famous climb in Mallorca. This is a tough day, but also very nice.

Grvl: We cycle to Randa via Ruberts for a coffee. Lunch in Algaida with 30km left to Alaró. For those who want, you can take a bonus climb up to Randa.

PAt Night: Tapas with wine tasting at sa Portassa, the house's own wine cellar(For those who want)

Day seven
Lvg: Small mountain day with the military slope, Es Capdella, Gallilea and Andrax

Grvl: Sineu St Jordi, a tough day! Train to Sineu (Those who want can of course cycle). Via Porreres for coffee in Lluc Major. On to Sant Jordi and Llevant for Lunch. Via Consell to Alaró.

Day eight
Lvg: Formemtor day. We cycle to Puerto Pollenca and the magically beautiful road out to Cap Forementor. The way home is via the mountains or slightly easier via the flatlands.

Grvl: Parc Natural de la Península de Llevant, Bus to Arta, climbing up to the Park. Tough climbing, great views. Back on via Verdes. Everything. train back from Manacor A worthy last day we think.

Day nine


We pack the bikes, enjoy the sun and say goodbye to the house and our hostess.
We coordinate joint transfers to the airport.
