INZAIN goes West
Los Angeles, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Hollywood… Who hasn't heard of and who doesn't want to glide around these neighborhoods on a bike? What many people don't know is that there are also good Landsväg and Gru tracks in the mountains north of LA.

October is a wonderful time to ride in Southern California. Warm, but not hot, great views, roads and addresses. We thought of doing something a little different this fall and going over for a week of cycling in the area of Malibu, Los Angeles and participating in Phil’s Cookie Fondo before we go home to Sweden. We have contact with Phil Gaimon himself (former pro on the tour) and he can arrange tickets for about 20 pcs. to the race itself as well as participation in a VIP evening including food, together with the elite cyclists who will participate in the race. Hook up and it will be more fun the more of us there are! Register your interest below!
Vi kommer att kunna cykla på både grus och landsväg. Jag (Risto) kommer att ha min grus cykel med mig men utrusta den med ett par grus däck utan mönster. Det kommer gå lika fort (eller sakta) i alla fall. Phil Gaimon själv, har lovat att cykla med oss en av dagarna trots att han är fullt upptagen med att förbereda inför det kommande eventet “Phils Cookie Fondo”. Phil är en underbar karaktär och bjuder gärna på sig själv. Han har under många år deltagit i proffs touren och har säkert mängder med träningstips för oss vanliga dödliga.
In the mountains above Malibu Beach, there are lots of both gravel and asphalt roads. It's also not far from the beach and the iconic bike path along Santa Monica and Venice Beach. It might be nice to do a bit of sightseeing in the celebrities' neighborhood and to cycle up to the Hollywood sign (it's both longer and steeper than you think.)
The event itself on 27/10 has 4 different stretches. A relatively harmless without major climbs of 20 Miles (just over 3 miles), the other three have lengths of 50 Miles, 80 Miles and 100 Miles (approx. 16 miles) with an increasing number of tough climbs 2, 4 and 5.
Three track coverages: 50 miles (8 miles), 80 Miles (13 miles) and 100 Miles (16 miles).
The idea is that we live well in the area around Thousand Oaks, which is good for both cycling during the week and the race on Sunday.
Food: We try to ensure that breakfast is included in the room but that we pay for the other food ourselves during the days.
We arrange flights to LAX ourselves. Transfer from LAX to and from the property is included.
If you want to participate in the VIP event on Saturday evening before the race, you pay separately for this when you book.
Phil has also promised to provide us with suitable route suggestions for the week and if that is not enough we will create our own routes for download.
Companion car? Well, not this time. We stick together and make sure everyone keeps up. Stops and helps if someone has a breakdown or puncture.
Know more?
20-28 October 2024
The number of places is limited for this exclusive experience.
The price is not yet clear, but you can register your interest and we will get back to you.