Champagne Activities

Avenue des Champagnes

L’Avenue de Champagne (Champagne Avenue) är en berömd gata som ligger i Épernay, “champagnens huvudstad”, i Frankrikes Grand Est Region.

Its name comes from the presence of many leading champagne producers such as Moët et Chandon, Mercier and De Castellane. Located on a major historic trade route between France and Germany, the avenue attracted champagne merchants as early as the 18th century.[1]

Residents say this avenue is the most expensive in the world, more than the Champs-Élysées in Paris, because of the millions of bottles of champagne stored in the kilometers of chalk cellars that lie beneath it.

The cellars and the above-ground part of the avenue were both inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2015 (as part of the Champagne hills, houses and cellar site) for its testimony to the history of champagne, its development and sale, and the emergence of a unique and distinguished agro-industrial system.
The avenue also houses a research center and Fort Chabrol which was established to study and mitigate the effects of Grape phylloxera on the quality and production of champagne.

Go on the River

Come aboard the Bateau Champagne Vallée for an exceptional cruise in Champagne! In this boat built in 1992, charming with its paddle wheel, you will have a seat in the first row from the panoramic room.

Located in Cumières, 10 minutes from Epernay, the pier is perfectly integrated into the vineyard where the River Marne meanders, in the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Champagne hillsides. A unique and unusual way to discover the Champagne landscapes, the river navigation or the local fauna and flora.

Cathedral Notre-Dame de Reims, Notre-Damekatedralen i Reims, är en gotisk katedral i den franska staden Reims, som är den största staden i landskapet Champagne, i departementet Marne. Denna katedral är särskilt känd som den kyrka där de franska konungarnas kröningar ägde rum. Den siste av dem som kröntes där, den 29 maj 1825, var Karl X. En särskild helig olja som användes vid smörjelsen vid dessa kröningar förvarades också i Reims i Sainte Ampoulle, i “heliga ampullan”. Katedralen, som är en av Frankrikes största, är arkitektoniskt framförallt känd för sin rika skulpturala utsmyckning och för sin fasad. Den används i gudstjänstlivet av romersk-katolska kyrkan.

Enjoy a unique experience in Champagne and fly 150 meters above the ground. See the famous vineyards and the Avenue de Champagne, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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