Sörmland Cycling

The two days have a distinctly different character, but both are absolutely fantastic tours. Our guides make sure everyone has a good time and we adapt the pace to the group. If it turns out to be the best, we will divide into different speed groups, but regardless of speed, we can promise that everyone will have two fantastic days.

In good time before the weekend, we send out our famous Riders Guide, a document that contains all the information about routes, coffee, lunch and much, much more.


Check-in at the hotel and welcome meeting where our guides go through the weekend. If something has gone wrong, we can help with most things. We have some spare parts, pumps, gear racks and more in our trailer.

We cycle north on very nice and varied roads, we come to the absolutely fantastic nature reserve Stendörren and Nynäs castle. We cycle back to the hotel along a very nice stretch.

The tour goes south over fields, forest. Most of it is dirt road, but there are also some nice sections of trail. We arrive at the absolutely picturesque fishing village of Nävekvarn where we eat a delicious lunch, then we follow the Baltic Sea back to the hotel.
