What a great weekend we had in Jönköping!
The Bauergården was chosen as a hotel, beautifully located by Bunn and with Gruset outside the junction. Apart from Pontus having to start his first night on a sofa in the foyer, everything was great. Really good food, comfortable beds and beautiful nature.
Saturday had the toughest route, but 1,900 hm in 13 miles. 10 climbs and then a 22% hill as the finishing touch.
It started a bit cool and overcast, but luckily there was no rain, the sun also came out in the afternoon. The first part of the tour goes clockwise from Bauergården down towards the lake up over Sågarp and back to Bauergården after 68km, where lunch was planned and also the first bail of the day which some took advantage of.
There were quite a few adventures, i.a. Pontus got a real fulpunka, and broken spokes! It took an hour, four C02 cartridges before we got it under control, shortly after Ricardo tore open a wound on his Ultradynamico, but a Dart got a hold of it.

The slopes of the tour are not only numerous but also quite steep, many over 15%, which takes a toll on your strength.
After lunch, a tough trip was made to Gränna and there was the opportunity for the second bail, yes except for a better Gelato then of course. A few strong ones took the trip down to Vättern's shore and were rewarded with 291 extra hm on a long climb back towards Bauergården.
As usual, the atmosphere was good, with lots of talk and laughter.
Sunday, SUN!!
The area is bathed in sunshine, and Hook's manor, Fengen and Taberg were on the agenda. We also had a local in the form of Sebastian, who met us along the way and brightened our day. Very nice roads and alternating with forest and cultural landscape. No difficulties except for some explosives here and there. Something that cost Cristian a real tear, but of course we have the Park Tool Trunk with us, perfect for fixing tires on the inside so that the hose doesn't break from the tire's ragged edges.
We met a large group of cows, who were curious, and one looked at us angrily, hmm did it have teats or? In the end they gave way and we could move on.

We had lunch at Hook's manor, I can't recommend enough to have lunch at golf clubs, often very affordable and nice surroundings.
After lunch, the draw was a bit more adventurous, shorter sand section and a piece of ROUGH blasting rock, but nothing to deter.
A nice passage of railway was also included 🙂

The ending through a deserted airport and then our own "flight" down to Jönköping gave an extra grunt.
It was a real Hammerhead of a Weekend!
The routes we drove were these: