VRG 4 Days

Escort car.
In it there will be some spare parts, extra tires, pump etc. You can have ONE bag in the car. It will be transported to the hotel, so you don't have to pack the bike if you don't want to.
The following car becomes a rescue car if something goes wrong.
All information about this can be found in the Riders Guide.

Day one
Start in Ödeshög finish in Jönköping xx km/yy hm.
It's pretty much the same route as the VRG XL, but slightly shorter and with some of the toughest slopes replaced by flatter ground.

Some of the slopes are tough but none are impossible. Omberg is a favourite, you get a magnificent view of Lake Vättern. Ödeshög and Gränna are good places for lunch and or coffee, but there are more

The last miles into Jönköping also have some challenges, but they are kinder than those on the VRG-XL.

Once there, something to eat and drink will probably feel quite good, dinner together with the VRG-XL gang will be nice and there will certainly be both laughs and some stories exchanged.

Day two
Start in Jönköping finish in Hjo xx km/yy hm

The nicest day of the tour, a little shorter but no less pleasant.
There are several good opportunities for lunch and coffee.

Once you arrive in Hjo, there is the possibility of a swim and dinner.

Day Three
Start in Hjo finish in Askersund xx km/yy hm.

This is the longest day of the trip, so a shorter day yesterday will certainly be beneficial.
We follow Vättern's shore and wind our way along very nice dirt roads.
Karlsborg is an excellent place for lunch, but there are others too.

The goal for the day is Askersund, maybe a sauna, a beer and some dinner will be perfect before we tackle the last day

Day Four
Start in Askersund finish in Motala 80 km/yy hm

Now it's time for the shortest part of the tour, but it has a real hill so good with some power left in the legs.

We have lunch at Zinkgruvan and maybe also coffee at Bona Trädgård before we roll on towards Motala,

Maybe you take a dip in the lake before you parade into the finish line?
Congratulations on completing VRG 2024!

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